Oluwatobi Owolabi

June 14, 2024
We welcome Patryk Gruszka from Comarch and Nick Vanpraet from Dropsolid to join the Mautic Security Team.
March 28, 2024
Alan Hartless shares some memories about how Mautic started.
March 28, 2024
We're thrilled to announce that the Mautic Trials are now open to everyone.
March 01, 2023
This virtual conference comprises attendees including end-users, marketers, integrators, executives, editors, content strategists, administrators, designers, developers, IT and devops, and more.
February 16, 2023
Update on Mautic 5 release and how you can help to get it released faster
May 16, 2022
Announce that our project has been chosen for the Google Season of Docs 2022 program
February 28, 2022
We have 31 new features/enhancements, 34 bug fixes and one security fix in this release of Mautic 4.2.0. Thanks to the support of several Mautic agencies and community contributors in our “Open Source Friday” sprints, we have been able to get through a lot with this release.
September 24, 2021
Adrian started first by contributing a few changes in the codebase, then moved to code refactoring where he felt there was a need for improvement, and changing tools to establish a better architecture, laying the foundation for future improvements and a higher quality of code.
September 16, 2021
Nikola Nedić has contributed to Mautic in both documentation and codebase. In the Mautic 4 release, he led the team for the new tag management feature in Mautic.
September 09, 2021
Nick Veenhof our community spotlight for this week in order to dramatically improve the process (and help the knowledge-gap within the community), he took it upon himself with some other contributors to make Mautic compatible with composer. He was the major contributor to get the initial pieces of composer working within Mautic 3.