
Aivie Logo

Services provided

  • Mautic Hosting with SaaS like convenience and scalability
  • UX optimized interface 
  • Best practice set-up packages for campaigns, lead generation and newsletter
  • E-Mail templates in your CI/CD + E-Mail Wizard with ChatGPT
  • Custom Growth Services
  • Aivie exclusive functionalities and plugins
  • Training and business support

Aivie adds value for humans with digital technology.

Aivie, the Swiss-based Marketing Automation tool, is the perfect solution for companies and agencies looking to build successful customer relationships. 

As a Mautic Community Partner, Aivie is 100% compatible with a standard Mautic instance. With Aivie you can automate, control and measure your marketing processes across all channels.

We deliver personalized designs, automated campaigns, tracking and lead scoring at the click of a button and develop plugins for our customers and the community. 

Aivie uses local, certified servers. We are hosting securely and data protection compliant in Europe, Switzerland or your preferred region on request.

Together with our network of specialists we support customers in the implementation of their marketing goals with service packages ranging from sales funnel strategy to AI generated content.

Learn more about how you can benefit from Aivie at or just give us a call, we are happy to be there for you personally: Switzerland: +41 44 586 77 24

Mautic Contributions

Aivie is an active, enthusiastic contributor to the Mautic project, including:

  • Contributing to the GrapesJS email and landing page builder initiative
  • Developing a custom plugin to integrate Mautic with Trello
  • Code and community contributions

Community Activity

Active contributors last month

  • Adrian Schimpf

  • Volha Pivavarchyk

Activity over the last 90 days

Screenshot showing activity over the last quarter.

Case Studies

Photo of a large powerboat on the ocean

Haugan Cruises

This luxury travel provider has been serving customers in the luxury segment from Europe, the USA and South America for 15 years. Over the years, customer channels have grown organically. Several different departments perform maintenance on demand with over 10 different customer/lead lists being processed manually. A multichannel strategy, prioritization of leads and a personal approach is not possible. 

We set up a new, digitalized marketing and communication logic with automated processes.

Go to case study

Become an Aivie Partner

With our marketing automation solution, you make your customers successful.

Marketing automation is trendy. Our solution is suitable for beginners and advanced users. We provide individual instances for customers within a short period of time. This is how we are immediately successful together.

We are experts in digital customer experience and provide your customers with additional services. For example, with our know-how about interfaces and integrations, we ensure that the solution remains relevant for your customers in the future. As a partner, you will also benefit from our well thought-out offers in the long term.

  • Clear incentives
  • Additional services
  • Exclusive support community
  • Immediate technical setup

Become an Aivie Partner

Contact Aivie

Interested in learning more about Aivie or have a project that you would like to work with them on?

Complete this form and one of the team will be in touch directly!