Norman Pracht

A photo of Norman against a purple background. He's a white man with short dark hair and a beard and moustache. He's looking up to the sky and has an ice axe in his hands which he is wielding with both hands.

Get to know Norman Pracht

Full name

Norman Pracht (he/him)

Where do you live?

Annecy, France

What languages do you speak?

French and English

When and how did you discover Mautic?

I started working on Mautic in 2015 with my company as Mautic Hosted provider and with the philosophy of sharing back to community what we do.

Who do you work for currently?


How are you involved with the community currently?

For myself, I contribute in areas including documentation, testing and reviewing features and bug fixes, and through the Product Team which I led for three years. Webmecanik is a strong code contributor - the second highest behind Acquia.

What excites you about your role on the Council? Why did you feel called to serve in this capacity?

The ability to defend the vision I have for Mautic. Defend the community, its interests and the marketeer expectations.

How do you envision Mautic evolving in your tenure? What are your goals for Mautic?

I want to focus on these two points:

  • Make Mautic into a marketing automation pure player, not being shy to be considered as alternative of Marketo and Hubspot
  • Pushing the product to be more UI/UX friendly, keep in mind this is marketeers using the software.

When you're not doing Mautic things or working, how do you enjoy spending your time?

Mountaineering (alpinism, ski touring, hiking, climbing), this is the place and the activities that makes me feeling alive. And of course, taking care of my lovely family.

Where can people connect with you?
