Andy Towne

Photo of Andy Towne. He's wearing a pale coloured suit with a white shirt and patterned white tie, and a white flower arrangement in his button hole. He's a white man with short blonde hair and a beard and moustache. He's smiling at the camera with trees in the background.

Get to know Andy Towne

Full name

Andy Towne (he/him)

Where do you live?

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

What languages do you speak?


When and how did you discover Mautic?

I became an account executive for Mautic, Inc. in July 2017 after finding the company on LinkedIn.

Who do you work for currently?


How are you involved with the community currently?

I mostly comment on features and contribute to design of those features & changes to account for a wide range of potential use cases based on my knowledge from working with large implementations of Mautic (Acquia Campaign Studio).

What excites you about your role on the Council? Why did you feel called to serve in this capacity?

I think the potential of Mautic is huge, and the community is in a critical time of growth right now. Having worked with many customers using Mautic or interested in Mautic, I know there's a lot of pain in the world of marketing automation and I'm excited to help build and grow a product that organizations can realize value from quickly and easily.

How do you envision Mautic evolving in your tenure? What are your goals for Mautic?

I hope to see more contributors and contributing organizations who actively use and believe in the future of Mautic. Ideally, we'll be able to get commitments from individuals and organizations to contribute to the development of Mautic on a reliable timeline so that users can feel more confident and excited about the product and community.

When you're not doing Mautic things or working, how do you enjoy spending your time?

I enjoy going for walks in the park with my dog, watching sports, golfing (badly), and trying new restaurants or cocktail bars around Boston.ย 

Where can people connect with you?

Instagram & Threads: